Service Desk Releases

What’s new on Service Desk? Navigate a detailed release log of new features and fixes.

Brand New 7.74.0
Apr 8, 2024
Features and Improvements
Enhanced location importing via LDAP and SCIM
We have improved how Service Desk identifies changes to imported locations and provided users with additional tools to streamline the process, such as multi-attribute selection and customizable mappings for SCIM.
Bug Fixes
Fix for a bug that affected the UI of specific instances when using a web service stage within workflows.
Certain mail configurations, including Custom Sender Addresses, have been enhanced to ensure accurate sender details without disruptions.
Fix for a bug where requests were getting stuck in 'Waiting for automatic activity' when the responsible party of a 'Task' stage had been the previous assignee, followed by a Web Service stage.
We've fixed an issue where article visibility settings weren't always applied correctly in the request creation form. Now, you'll see the intended content without any unexpected extras, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.